PEP’s program delivery has two main focuses: i) Formal education ii) non-formal education community development.
1. Formal Education: Comprises early childhood education, primary and secondary school, integrated with vocational skills training. Under this program, students are introduced to vocational skills as they are involved with formal education. Component of this intervention includes our reading program which embraces all those interested in reading.
2. Non-formal Education, Community Development and Empowerment: This aspect of our program places emphasis on community empowerment using the REFLECT methodology. REFLECT is an approach to learning and social change (based on the aspirations of Paulo Preire, the philosopher and educator). REFLECT aims to improve the meaningful participation of people in decisions that affect their lives, through strengthening their ability to communicate in issues of governance, participation, representation, education, health, among others. Currently, programs include adult literacy and life skills for vulnerable women and girls, youth empowerment, especially community scouts (through vocational skills training, leadership development, and health/hygiene promotion), economic empowerment for women (using, village savings and loans associations, or VSLAs), school governance (training for parents-teachers association), and gender and development (education on SGBV, HIV/AIDS, and sexual and reproductive health).
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